in other words, more internet double think: i hate amazon, here's my amazon wish list.
it's my birthday next week. i will also accept a snakes on a plane hoodie:

so lovely sarah came round on saturday and stopped me going mad all weekend. we walked in the cold and made quinoa food and watched the muppets and had a very healthy time. she agreed/volunteered to tackle 'the national anthem' on our kid a covers album - everyone's still doing that, aren't they? last thing i remember was some dispute over who was doing 'in limbo', with both thom and andy vying for it. well, whoever gets in first (the other can get put on too, as an extra bonus track. i'm sure they'll both be very good).
anway, maybe this will be my week.
I think Thom would be technically more able to do In Limbo, but I might still have a crack at it. I've also a cover of Follow Me Around going - so there's your bonus track straight away.
What's left? Nes have done Kid A already, but it's awful. Really bad. It's great. But I want to do something properly: perhaps Motion Picture Soundtrack? With the third verse intact?
we're all doing motion picture sound track - it'll be a massive finale, like in the muppet movie where all the muppets ever sing that song.
how about tree fingers? radio feisar were meant to be doing that but laurenec moved to denmark so that's free now. no-one's definately doing ideoteque since i had it down for rebessica. i still would like someone to do a guitary version of it - maybe we could record it at the same session as m.p.s.
the revised running order looks like this:
1. Everything In Its Right Place: bishop fuckers?
2. Kid A: nes advantage
3. National Anthem: sarah in space
4. How To Disappear Completely: dandy o'howitzer
5. Treefingers: ?
6. Optimistic: girls?
7. In Limbo: immunity through excess, vibration white finger
8. Idioteque: ?
9. Morning Bell: grilly
10. Motion Picture Soundtrack: the gallow slutt collective
the record will come with a complete rock family tree showing how everyone is connected.
DUDEWHÆRESMYCÄR would very much like to do Idioteque in a slow heavy funk fashion. We'd do Treefingers but it's too obvious.
Incidentally, you can download all the songs off Picaresque (legally, albeit only the live versions) from here:
There are also about 3000 Grateful Dead concerts if you think you can stomach it.
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