How many people should Fur Q kill for maximum respec'?
calculated assuming constant rate of respect for every individual death - ie, if you kill 1 person out of 10, 9 people will respect you 1 point. if you kill 2, 8 people will respect you 2 points = 16 points in total. optimum is 50% population slain.
I like it that the graph goes to 120%. What would happen if he killed more than the entire population (perhaps by moving on to animals?)? Can we extrapolate from the graph that he'd end up with less respect than he started with?
maybe if there was a pain elemental that spawned lost souls, you could get a kill rate of higher than 100% of the *initial* population. that's happened to me before.
I like it that the graph goes to 120%. What would happen if he killed more than the entire population (perhaps by moving on to animals?)? Can we extrapolate from the graph that he'd end up with less respect than he started with?
maybe if there was a pain elemental that spawned lost souls, you could get a kill rate of higher than 100% of the *initial* population. that's happened to me before.
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