Musics I done

Sunday, September 02, 2007

"i can't see trapped in the closet ending because it's about us all"
r. kelly.

this site has all the original 12 trapped videos, plus the latest ten, in beautiful streaming hi-res... i don't want to spoil anything about the plot, but i am quite disappointed that r kelly has decided to move away from the original audio-based style of the originals - remember, the first 6 or so were released straight to radio - and basically turned it into a 'comedy' with him playing as many roles as possible. he misses the point by a quite a distance though, and it's still unintentionally hilarious rather than the hilarity he's trying for. and it contains some of the most shameful ret-conning i ever did see.

1 comment:

Grill said...

I am so happy about this right now. :))