INJUSTICE, the film about deaths in police custody, has had a huge impact nationally and internationally. The film exposed, for the first time ever, that 1000 people had died in police custody in the UK and that not one single police officer had been convicted for these deaths. The making of Injustice brought different families of those killed together and led to the formation of the United Families & Friends campaign. Injustice directly challenged the police responsible for these deaths and has contributed to the reforms now taking place within the Independent Police Complaints Commission and the Crown Prosecution Service.
INJUSTICE is a critical success in its own right. It has been distributed by the British Film Institute and Migrant Media across the UK making it the longest running independent theatrical release for a documentary feature. We have had thousands of screenings of the film all over the world and hundreds of these have included Q&A sessions with the families. INJUSTICE has been shown in over 60 international film festivals and has won several awards. It has raised the issue of deaths in police custody in the UK to an international level. However the police's attempt to ban the film and also Channel 4, and the BBC's refusal to support the making of the film, and their continual refusal to screen it, has resulted in serious financial losses.
Huge numbers of people have asked us to produce a sequel. We are pleased to announce that we will be producing a follow up to Injustice called LICENCE TO KILL. Once again broadcasters are refusing to support us. We are therefore making a financial appeal to you for support. LICENCE TO KILL will include updates on the cases featured in the first film and will also cover strategic new cases and current political developments. Over the coming year we will follow some new high profile cases and we also plan to broaden the international connections between families. Once again the struggles of the families will be central to the story and both the production and screenings of the new film will help to move this struggle forward.
If you are outraged at the continuous cover-ups, giving the police a LICENCE TO KILL - support this production.
The cost of LICENCE TO KILL will be around £100,000. Make a donation and your support will help to produce a film that will assist the families of death in custody victims in their struggles for justice. We will credit all contributors at the end of the film.
Please circulate this email also.
You can make a donation by sending a cheque made payable to Migrant Media and sending it to:
Migrant Media
PO Box 47412
N13 5WG
Or by paying it directly into the following account, please inform us of the reference and your details also:
Bank name: HSBC 150 Stoke Newington High Street, London, N16 7JP. UK
Account number: 41116908
Sort code: 40 05 05
SWIFT CODE: MIDLGB 22 40 05 05 41116908
Please make sure you let us know you name if you want a credit on the film. If you have any other ideas for raising funds for the film, or want more details on our plans, call the directors on 07770 432 439
For details of INJUSTICE
meanwhile, in Chatteris... honestly, what are local papers like?

new from Gallow Slutt enterprises... Starscream & Hutch! starring Chris Latta and Owen Wilson as the fight-crime-at-all-costs duo. in the first episode, when S&H are assigned to track down some Chinese opium smugglers, Hutch is mysteriously hit in the back by a huge fucking las-cannon blast which confines him to a wheelchair, or robo-walker thing. Starscream remarks on the advance technology of those Chins, what with their banana bulletts and all, and then tries to butter up the chief of police, or poison him. then they all laugh, and the episode ends.
friday: after being assured that Music Technology was a valid option for next term (yes!) and that the essay i did in Ireland (mostly) got 62% (and iw as crapping myself), i put on my ROCK loud, cylcled into town, and cycled into town to buy the new David Wrench single. but amazingly, in Dave's books, they had a new Craig Thompson book i was unaware of, a simple travel diary.
(by the way - is the 'Blankets' soundtrack cool or cash-in?)
so i got that, and Cheapass Games' 'Witch Trial', which is a good game, if slightly flawed since only two players can take part in a trial. friday we went clubbing again, at the glouster. more indie. ahh. but the Blue Minkies are playing this Friday! (supporting miss pain) hurrahh! but their website makes my eyes cry blue tears, and contravenes every rule my web teacher taught me (blue on black = eye strain).
george came down, which was great, so we hung out with him and julie a lot. breakfast at Dave's diner, roast at the george (even though it's a Barracuda pub...)
and then there was the Booth Natural History Museum, which had literally hundreds of taxi-dermised birds of many, many species, from blue tits pecking a bush to great hooded gulls attacking a lamb. very strange.
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