today, i happened to glance at a packet of instant hot chocolate. well lordy, what excellent grilly random conversation fodder.

it 'contains a source of milk'.
now there are two ways to interpret this. either it contains something that your body metabolises into milk, or it containts a live female mammal.
i pointed the offending line out to the chef, who was now behind the till.
"well, that'll be the whey powder or something" he said.
"but the only thing that is a source of milk is a cow, "i responded narrow-mindedly.
"well, it's just like 'may contain traces of nuts, isn't it?" he conjectured.
no. it isn't like that at all.
1 comment:
i vote for..
a live female mammal!
actually i saw the photo on your flickr first and couldn't work out what the fuck it was. i mean, does it even contain chocolate (i'd check but that'd require another window). *sigh* for the world of shit blog?
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