trouble is, these days, you never see a dog on the pitch.
Back in 1985, Bernard Matthews recognised the potential of shaped products for children with the launch of Golden Drummers.
Over The years we have continually innovated, successfully harnessing pester power to become the true market leader.
Professor Margaret Boden
Tuesdays at 11-11.50
Biology Lecture Theatre, John Maynard Smith Building
October 12 Man as Machine: Origins of the Idea
October 19 Are Minds Machines Too?
October 26 The Rise of Computational Psychology
November 2 The Birth of Connectionism
November 9 When GOFAI was NEWFAI
November 16 A-Life in Embryo
November 23 Philosophies of Mind and Machine
All welcome - particularly Informatics first and second year undergraduates, new masters and DPhil students, COGS-IDP students, and interested students of Psychology and Philosophy
"Without leaving his wheelchair, he was able to make great strides toward a cure for conditions like his," Kerry said.
Callum Rankine, Species Officer, WWF.
Animals do not exist for our benefit. They exist because they evolved to do a certain job within nature. But if a species does not benefit people directly, they often don't see a reason to conserve it.
We at WWF are looking at it from an ecological point of view: All species are doing a job, even if we don't know what that job is.
Removing a species from the ecosystem is like removing a rivet from an aeroplane without knowing its function. Nobody would want to fly in that aeroplane - but that is what we are doing to our environment. We are causing species to go extinct left right and centre without knowing what they do.
As far as we know, this is the only planet we can live on. We are stuck here and we are mucking about with our life support system. That doesn't strike me as sensible.
Ian Parker, author and game hunter.
As many life forms are harmful to human well-being, it is downright silly to say we should preserve the world's biodiversity in toto.
We want to exterminate Aids viruses, bacteria that cause tuberculosis, malaria plasmodia that kill millions of children annually, and countless other harmful pathogens. So it is, too, with black rats and locusts.
Our welfare relates directly to eliminating harmful forms of life and we are unavoidably committed to modifying our environments to suit our particular needs.
Common sense calls for accepting that in many cases, this means exterminating some of its elements.
The challenge conservationists face is to keep them as few as possible, and avoiding dogmatic and palpably insupportable claims that all must be preserved.
19th October 2004:The Big Bang ? the greatest story
ever told?
Simon Singh, writer, broadcaster and bestselling
author of Fermat’s Last Theorem and The Code Book, and
Andrew Liddle, Professor of Astrophysics, University
of Sussex
Everybody has heard of the Big Bang theory. But how
many of us can actually claim to understand it? Join
bestselling Simon Singh as he tells the story of the
brilliant minds that deciphered the mysteries of the
Big Bang, and hear physicist Andrew Liddle’s take on
some of the physics that underlie the universe.
>> God FAQ <<
Some thoughtful people haven taken the time and
effort to collect all the available information
about God and collate it into a handy 'Frequently
Asked Questions' list. Everything you could
ever need to know about God and more.