before i came home this summer, i burnt off 3 copies of a cd of almost all the tunes i'd done in brighton on the computer, and gave them to people i wanted to hear them and maybe play with - Thom, Laurence, and Andyhead. it had thirty-two tracks - enough to pick filler material from for loads of releases. then, just the other day, it struck me. i was looking through a pc format dan had just sent me... what is special about the number 32? think back about ten years, for a second.

D00M II.
32 levels, each with a "par time". all i have to do is make each tune the length of a appropriate doom II level, et voila! instant concept, double album. 95 minutes. cd1 - the spaceport and the city. cd2 - HELL (and secret levels). songs can range from 30 seconds to seven minutes. i'm so exited. the best part is, i don't have to do that much work, just stretch the tunes to fit around the par times, and i get to use all those chunky great songs that would otherwaise never see the light of day - AND i get to use a pretentious "inspiration" for my "cycle" of music. could make a ballet, or an opera, out of it. see? great.
btw, the thing in PCF that made me think of doom2 was that they had a movie on the cover DVD of someone completing it in 15 MINUTES! but we don't have a DVD drive. can't wait to see it. i started watching a video of contra 3 completed in 11 minutes. run-jump-shoot-bore. so this is going to rock rock rock!
like mario3 in 11. ffs.
you are a diamond mine of fantastic ideas.
please don't get lost in indonesia.
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