however, in a wonderful move, the berzerker has seen sense and put his pre-earche gabba eps on line - you can find this sick shit here nice to see his work defined as @death-core@. tried to go home today but leaving bath when i did i would have had to be picked in a round trip of nearly two hours for mes parents gone nine, so i came back to dann's in Baff. my worst travel experiance ever? leaving rachel's in Brummygham at about half five i think, got to New Street just past a train about ten past six. made it to my Brighton bed gone two in the morning. ah, memories..
the past is the only dead thing that smells sweet.
i'm going soon, this might be my last blog until i come back to the normal world. i've nearly got everything i need to go away with. so thanks for reading, i love you, i'll see you soon.
p.s. this page actually looks normal in mozilla. but laurenec's doesn't. hmmm.

i want that book back.