Musics I done

Sunday, August 29, 2010

shadow of the colossus

my next door neighbour bought a playstation 2.

i figure, great, this is my chance to re-live my love of shadow of the colossus through somebody.

i own the proverbial SOTC tshirt, and by coincidence, i am wearing it the day i go into hackney's video games shop to see if they have a 2nd hand copy, and by actual real coincidence, the same day yahtzee croshaw posts this video as his weekly game review:

to sum it up, i would describe sotc something along the lines of moby dick meets black beauty.

so the shop does have a copy of sotc: it costs £25, about 15 - 20 quid more than any of the other games around it. a quick search on my nerd device says this is not too much more than the going rate, so i pick it up, along with a copy of soul calibur III which is much more reasonably priced.

the problem with second hand shops, you see, is that they're always full of the stuff people don't want anymore; this is why they're always full of jeffery archer books and celion dione singals. and everybody who has a copy of sotc wants to keep hold of it forever. how much do you think planescaqpe: torment is going or these days? logic says a ten year old game should be peanuts by now, but there's surprisingly few hard copies of the game available for re-circulation. it's precious to people.

so i hand over the two games to my neighbour, letting him know that due to the cost, i have to let him have them as 'extended loans' rather than gifts. then we set off for two weeks to seahouses, northumberland.

two weeks later, i knock on, to find him playing PEGGLE.

this is how i feel.

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